L8a 13-14 x13.5 W7
L8a 13-14 x13.5 W7

1935 May 1st. Original issue on single watermarked paper.' Ultramarine'.




L8b 13.5 x14 W7
L8b 13.5 x14 W7

1935, May 1st, Original issue on single watermarked paper but with different perforations, which was more suited to the vertical mesh of the paper. 'Ultramarine'.




L8c 13-14 x13.5 W8
L8c 13-14 x13.5 W8

1936 August, Multiple watermark. 'Ultramarine','Pale ultramarine' and Dark ultramarine'




L8d 12.5  Fine W8
L8d 12.5 Fine W8

1941 July. Wartime issue, Multiple watermark. Waterlow print and perf.'Pale Ultramarine'







L8e 12.5 coarse W8
L8e 12.5 coarse W8

1942 November. Wartime issue. Multiple watermark. De La Rue print and Waterlow perf. 'Ultramarine'




L8f 13.75 x 13.5 W8
L8f 13.75 x 13.5 W8

1942 November final issue on Royal Cypher paper, Multiple watermark. 'Ultramarine', 'Deep  Ultramarine', 'Pale Ultramarine', 'Dull, dark grey blue', 'Cobalt blue' and 'Bright Ultramarine'.